Knox (Dead Souls MC #1)
Prison is no joke.
The food sucks,
My roommate snores,
And the only thing I have to look forward to is Monroe.
My lawyer can look at my briefs anytime.
She’s smart, beautiful, and the only way I’m getting out of this hellhole.
I didn’t kill Blaze, but when you’re a Dead Soul MC member, no one cares about the truth.
And maybe that’s for the best,
Because no one can know about Canyon.
Monroe is not just getting me out of jail,
She’s also getting into my heart.

Grave (Dead Souls MC #2)
These lawyers can go screw themselves.
If they think I’m going to let Everly go into witness protection, they've got another thing coming.
They’re right that she is in danger,
But I can keep her safe.
So she will move in with me.
At first, it seems simple,
But as the lies unravel,
I realize that Everly might be the only good thing in all of this.
She’s pure, innocent and everything I’m not.
But for her, I would change.
Be the man she needs me to be.

Brewer (Dead Souls MC #3)
I thought kids were annoying.
But after I meet, Ana, the MILF next doors daughter,
I change my mind.
She has the same sense of humor that I do.
She’s a cool person, just on a smaller scale.
And hanging out with her means more time with her mom.
Makenna is easy on the eyes,
But would be better on my bike.
Getting close to me is a risk.
But I would lay down my life for them.
Take a bullet.
Girls like battle scars, right?

Rock (Dead Souls MC #4)
She lied to me.
The minute I see Gavin for the first time, I know he is mine.
Piper told him his daddy was in jail.
I should be angry with her.
But with that stethoscope draped around her neck,
I know she’s not as bad as I want her to be.
She was just trying to protect him.
From my life, my club, and the bastards that are trying to kill us.
She has every reason to be worried,
But no one will touch my son.
Or my girl.
She may have left before,
But this time, I know she’ll stay.
Because we both want the same thing.
A family.

Diesel (Dead Souls MC #5)
No one tells me what to do.
Except for maybe Dean,
The President of the Black Hornets.
I need their help in order to defeat the Black Saddles once and for all.
But I know that their help is going to come at a cost.
I don’t expect the price to be a pretty little thing, named Brynn.
His daughter.
That I thought was dead.
Being in one MC is bad enough.
But being a son in law to another MC’s president is going to be hell on earth.
That is if she will agree to it.
And so far, I can’t even get her to be in the same room with me.
She’s feisty, and her good looks are no secret.
I love a confident woman,
But this one might be too hot to handle.
I’m fire and she’s gasoline.
Let’s light this sh*t up.